
As laws change and business trends emerge, our lawyers are often asked to speak at conferences, seminars, workshops and training meetings. We also host or sponsor events that are important to our clients.

For more information on the following upcoming events, please contact:

T +39 339 58 58 128




Venerdì prossimo, 31 marzo 2017, a Milano al Palazzo delle Stelline, in Corso Magenta, l’Avv. Pierfrancesco C. Fasano interverrà al Convegno ‘Marchi nell’epoca del web 2.0: sfide, opportunità e best practices’, organizzato da AICIPI e Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale, sul tema ‘Titolari dei marchi e piattaforme della sharing economy: contratti di licenza e altre forme d’uso. Esempi‘. Diretta Facebook dalle 14:00 alle 14:30, visite anche sull’home page di questo sito. Gli interessati possono postare commenti e domande. Qui il programma: http://www.ordine-brevetti.it/categoria/eventi-accreditati/name/31-marzo-2017-milano-marchi-nellepoca-del-web-2-0-sfide-opportunita-e-best-practices

2014 February

Pierfrancesco C. Fasano will be panelist at workshop ‘Protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) in the new Internet scenario‘, promoted by EU Parliament’ InterGroup on Traditional Specialities and MFSD (Italian IP Mediation and Arbitration Center), with patronage of Expo Milano 2015, joined with European Federation of Wines Origin (EFOW), Italian Ministry of Economic Development and MarkMonitor (Thomson Reteurs Group). Topic of the speech will be ‘Geographical Indications (Gis) vs Internet freedom: Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR) as method and Mediation as option‘.

2012 September

Pierfrancesco C. Fasano will be chairman to the “Trade secrets and their protection” workshop (CLE) at Salone della Proprietà Industriale (first Italian IP Expo) in Parma on 24th. More info: www.senaf.it/proprietaindustriale. To receive the e-invitation do not hesitate to contact Monica.

2011 October

Pierfrancesco C. Fasano will be panelist at Economic Conference on “Botticino, the basin of marble and the challenges of global competition” organized in Botticino (Brescia – Italy) by Brescia Chamber of Commerce, Classic Botticino Marble Consortium and other regional authorities and stakeholders, for the 150 years Italy unification celebration and 100 years “Altare della Patria” (All wars memorial monument build in Rome by Classic Botticino Marble) celebration. Speech title: “Local identity protection in the global scenario. The Collective Trademark Marmo Botticino Classico showcase“.

2011 May

Pierfrancesco C. Fasano is attended and met IP Colleagues and Friends at 133rd International Trademark Association (INTA) in San Francisco (USA).

2011 February

Pierfrancesco C. Fasano and Barbara Benedini are training over 100 bank employees on white collar crimes compliance program. The training is compulsory by 231/2001 Italian Decree related to collective entities criminal charge.